


展现在读者面前的这本《文集》汇集了50篇短小精悍、内容丰富的杂文, 分为教育、社会、文化、生活四个部分。这些短文反映了作者冯建华教授在美国20年生涯中一些深刻的体验和感受, 表现了作者对旅美华人及其子女的热情关心, 并从几个侧面展示了作者做人、做事、做学问的精神风貌。

《文集》以定居美国的中国朋友为主要服务对象, 因为最近十几年来,越来越多的中国学子和中国移民正在美国定居、谋职、求发展。然而, 今日的美国社会和美国文化教育同我25年前在美国肯特大学﹙Kent State Univer-sity﹚学习时看到的有了许多的变化, 尤具有不同于当今中国社会及其文化教育的显著特点。定居美国的华人朋友如不熟悉这一切, 必难在谋职、创业以及教育子女方面掌握主动权。冯建华博士把这一切看在眼里, 想在心里。他收集了有关美国社会、文化、教育、生活的重要信息, 结合自己的经验和看法, 撰写了一篇篇观点鲜明、生动具体、简明扼要、重点突出的, 富有思想性、知识性和趣味性的短文。读了这些短文, 身居异国他乡的中国朋友定能得到深刻的启示和有力的鼓舞。

建华博士格外关心旅美华人子女的教育问题。他希望华人子女都能主动地学习, 健康地成长, 成为一个个大有作为的人。为此, 他首先向这些孩子的家长介绍了美国政府和学校所坚持的“机会均等、因材施教”等教育理念以及体现这些教育理念的一系列教育法规、教育政策和教育措施, 反复提醒华人朋友要竭力维护子女的教育权益。其次, 阐述了儿童和青少年身心发展的特点以及他们的智慧潜能, 强调 “情商” 对儿童成人、成才的重要作用, 并对家长全面关心和正确教育孩子提出了一连串中肯的建议。第三, 特别关注华人所办中文学校的教学质量。以对华人子女高度负责的态度, 果敢地揭露了某些中文教师存在的教学问题, 力图促进中文学校进行教学改革。

《文集》是启迪集。它启迪人们自觉把握美国社会及其文化教育的特点,以深邃的智慧去解决自己面临的种种问题。《文集》又是激励书。它洋溢着作者对华人朋友的关心和爱护之情, 激励大家迎难而进, 勇往直前。我愿大家借助《文集》放射的智和情, 去开辟一条展示我们华人自身价值的发展道路。


Ocean, I Love You (poem)

Ocean, I Love You.
By Lian Feng (age 9)
Alpharetta, GA

Ocean, Ocean come to me,
I can feel your gentle breeze,
Ocean, Ocean so calm and pure,
You are best for sure,
Ocean, Ocean bring me some waves,
Is that how a dragon behaves,
Ocean, Ocean you are my soul,
How your do waves rock n’ roll,
Ocean, Ocean I have a wish,
To live within you like a fish,
Ocean, Ocean you’re so cool,
You are the world’s biggest pool,
Ocean, Ocean so deep and blue,
I stick to you like I am glue,
Ocean, Ocean you’ve got a great view,
Ocean, Ocean I love you!!!!!

Autumn (poem)

Autumn Is Here!!!
By Lian Feng (age 9)
Alpharetta, GA

I feel the wind in my hair,
The beautiful trees are almost bare,
Can’t you see it like I do,
In the sky so deep and blue,
Birds fly south where it is warm,
Maybe staying in a cozy barn,
The ground is full of colors too,
It has the most wondrous view,
Things to do no time to play,
On this busy Thanksgiving Day,
The air smells clear and crisp,
Plus some cinnamon in the midst,
Let us give a hip-hooray,
For it is Autumn today!!!!!!

Princess Problems (Fiction)

Princess Problems (Fiction)

By Lian Feng (age 9)
Alpharetta, GA

Hi everyone!!! My name is Becky Isabella Ann Smiths. I am the youngest of my three siblings, my sister,
Lauren Alexandra Susan Smiths, and my brother, David Lewis William Smiths. I am the princess of the kingdom Eagle More, one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world! (And littered with eagles) My best friends are very loyal, my most trusted servant, Catherine, and Rebecca, princess of Lily Grove. I hate being a princess!!!! I have to where itchy dresses and gowns. I can’t get dirty. I can only play croquet. I can’t run at all (indoors and outdoors). I have an extremely long name. And I have to speak in a very proper voice all the time!! I want to be a normal child! Can’t anyone see that???!!!!! There is a story behind why I finally became an almost normal kid and I will tell no one but you. So without further ado, I shall tell my tale…..

I ran through the forest quickly, my silky brunette hair streaming behind me. As I ran I stepped on something slimy. When I checked what the thing was, a strong smell filled my nose. Sort of like the disgusting seaweed our chef made last night. I wrinkled my nose as I looked up, nothing I thought .As I started to head home I gasped. I had come face to face with a giant Snake! I gave an earsplitting scream…………………

I sat up in my bed horrified .My mother rushed into my room.
” Sweet Heart! Are you all right?” But she already knew the answer with one look at my flushed face. “Oh dear, I must get the doctor.” “Catherine! Get the doctor!” my mother called.
”Yes, ma’am.” came a faint reply. As the doctor swept into the room, I let out a sigh of annoyance. Catherine appeared in the door way of my room, staring at my face with a worried expression.
” Wake Rebecca up.” I mouthed. (Rebecca’s family is staying at our house for a few months.)But I didn’t need to, because she walked into the room yawning. The minute she looked at me she clamped her hand over her mouth and fainted. Catherine and I started giggling uncontrollably. I caught her eye and we burst out laughing. My mother gave me the young-lady-don’t-think-you –can- get – away- with –this-because – we – are - going – to –talk –after- this look, but I could tell she was close to laughing too. When we settled down the doctor checked me and said
“You are fine but you need to sleep a little more. “ I nodded silently.
“Catherine dear pour some cold water on Madam Rebecca’s delicate head.” I said dramatically after the doctor left the room. Catherine nodded and strode out of my room. When she came back she was holding a bucket of water.”1-2-3 pour!” at that exact moment, Catherine poured the water on Rebecca’s head. Rebecca’s eyelids fluttered and she sat up, her blond hair dripping with water .
”Wh-What’s going on?” she sputtered.
“Never mind.” I replied trying to fight the urge from laughing again. When everyone left, I snuggled into my satin pillow and fell asleep.

As I climbed the steep mountain my foot stepped on something shiny and hard. When I looked down I saw a piece of gold glittering in the sunlight. I glanced up and drew in a deep breath and sighed. The top looked so close. I reached up………………………………………

I woke up and felt much better. I sniffed the air. It smelled strongly like cinnamon rolls. I quickly changed into my pale pink dress encrusted with rubies and slipped on my crimson slippers. I kept itching my neck uncontrollably until there was a bright red mark. When I reached the grand dining room, the smell was as strong as ever. Suddenly, Lauren came into the room and said,
“Becky, hurry up and eat or your rolls will get cold. “ I sighed. Everyone was trying to rush me. How I wish I were an ordinary girl. I sat down and quickly finished my breakfast and went to my music lesson with Rebecca. My teacher was waiting patiently at the piano. I sat down and started playing the song The Wedding March from one of William Shakespeare’s play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream. When I was finished playing, my teacher clapped and clapped. So much for practicing for two days. After my piano lesson, Rebecca and I rushed to our bedrooms and changed into our ballroom gowns (my least-favorite dress). Wait! Now don’t get the impression that I hate dresses a lot. Well, I do, but it gets really stuffy when you have to wear them 24 hours a day. It was yellow with ruffles at the sleeves. There were only two or three orange gems. (thank goodness!) I decided not to put on any earrings because they were a pain in the ears.
“Sophie! Come quick!” Sophie, my servant walked into the room.
” Yes, your highness? “She replied.
“ Make my hair any way you want. As long as it is simple and not fancy.” When Sophie was done, I looked in the mirror. She had curled my hair and put it in a ponytail with a few strands hanging down. I ran away before Sophie even said goodbye. I let out a sigh of relief. Still I had a few minutes before class started. I slipped off my dancing shoes letting the cool breeze brush my toes. I was just having the time of my life when I remembered I was supposed to be at my ballroom dancing class. I rushed to the ballroom, my siblings, Patricia (Rebecca’s sister), and Rebecca were already there. My sister was wearing a scarlet gown with a dark red shawl. Her hair was combed and a little maroon rose was tucked neatly behind her ear. David was wearing a dark red cape. His hair was washed and brushed. He was wearing a cream-colored vest with a white shirt and a pair of cream pants. Rebecca was wearing a purple dress with amethysts on it. She was wearing a priceless set of pearl earrings and a diamond necklace. Her hair was clipped up with an amethyst hairclip. When I saw Patricia I gasped. Patricia was more beautiful than I have ever seen before. It was an elegant color of sea foam green. Emeralds and peridots glittered everywhere. Her blonde hair was wavy and her crown was bathed in jewels. (She always changes crowns. Patricia wears different ones for different occasions. She has a whole closet full of them!) I noticed David kept giving her side ways glances.
“Mum is late again.” Lauren said angrily. I wiped the sweat off my forehead. Please don’t come today mom!!! Please!!! I hadn’t practiced for weeks. (Well, I don’t like all the classes my parents make me take, but it gives off an idea that
I’m not good at anything.) Just then; my mother came into the room a look of happiness on her face.
“We must cancel our lessons today.” Lauren looked horrified. I knew her favorite lesson was ballroom dancing.
“But-but why?”
“Because dear, the finest jesters in the country are here to stay in our castle for a month and all your classes shall be canceled while they stay. Isn’t that exciting?!” Yes! I thought.
“No.” I heard her mumble. Mom lead us up a winding staircase and into a room I had never been in before. A dazzling chandelier hung from above. Papa was already there sitting on a satin couch. Butterscotch (my cocker spaniel), Sugar cakes (Lauren’s poodle) and Ginger (Rebecca’s ginger cat) were resting on silk cushions on the ground. As I sat down next to Rebecca a few jesters walked into the room.
“They are going to perform for us.” whispered Mama. Lauren wore an extra sour look the minute she entered the room. The jesters were all wearing pointed hats and shoes. One started juggling while saying riddles I couldn’t understand. Another jester told a few silly stories. My favorite jester was the one that did magic tricks. We all chuckled merrily’ even Lauren was smiling! After the performance we all clapped. Catherine glanced at me. I looked back at her. After I exited the room, I walked to Catherine and teased,
“I bet you couldn’t have done better than a horse compared to those jesters!” Catherine glared at me and stalked away. I went to my room and changed back into my pale pink dress and ran downstairs for dinner. Everyone was there already, Catherine was whispering to Rebecca giggling. I sat down next to Catherine and said
“Nice cooking!” she ignored me. Oh well. “Catherine, will you please pass the roast turkey?” She ignored me again. What was going on with her?? Rebecca seemed to have read my mind because she whispered
“Catherine isn’t talking to you because she thought you were not being nice. I ate quickly and raced upstairs and fell asleep.

My stomach hurt so badly as I tried to run. A giant cockroach was chasing me. I finally stopped and closed my eyes waiting for the worst…

I woke up crossly and became grumpier when I remembered it was David’s ball today.

Later that evening…………

I was so un-excited. I changed into my plain ballroom dress anyway and went to the ballroom. As I reached the ballroom I saw a blur of colors. I saw some kids in the village I had made friends with when I had to get the doctor for my cousin. I raced over to a group of them by the banquet hall.
“Hello Princess Becky.” Said a boy mockingly. I recognized the boy as Adam, the trouble-maker.
“Don’t mind him, Becky. He can be a big pain sometime.” Commented a small girl. Still, I could tell very clearly that Adam loathed me as I loathed him. I turned around just about to leave when a ball of mashed potatoes whizzed by my ear. I turned around. Adam has laughing hysterically. Angrily, I grabbed a chicken leg and hit him right on the nose. The other kids watched us throwing food at each other and soon joined the battle. Food was flying everywhere! I laughed. The ball was better than I thought! I noticed that only a few girls were joining the fight, but either way, it was the best evening ever.
“SILENCE!!!!!!” my mother yelled. All the throwing stopped. “THE PARTY IS NOW OVER!” Everyone shuffled out of the house. Once all the guests were out, Mother turned to me.
“Go and take a shower right now young lady. Once you’re done. Come down here and we will have a talk.” My mother said in a forced calm. I obediently walked away hearing here mutter things like
“I have never seen anything like this in the whole history of civilization.” and “You are not a proper princess.”. After taking a shower, I walked into the banquet hall and waited for Mother. She soon came in her face contorted into a forced smile. I knew what was coming up.
“Mother! I want to be a normal kid and not have to where stuffy dresses or talk in weird ways!!!! I want to be able to get dirty when I want to and play different sports other than croquet!!!! I want to be able to be a normal kid!!!! I’m tired of being some kind of dopey princess!!!!!” I yelled before she could say a word. She was white with shock.
“Very well darling.” She replied after a long pause. “I will let you do anything you want unless……” I took a deep breath. “….unless you play and make friends with the other children in the kingdom.”
“Thanks mom!” I raced out of the room and crashed into Catherine.
“Wow, you’re really gusty Becky. I heard you all the way in the kitchen. Want to be friends again?”
“Sure!” I replied. “Why don’t we get Rebecca and go horseback riding for a while?”
“Definitely!” she replied, her eyes shining with excitement.
“Let’s get going then!”

The End!

The Inheritance (Fiction)

The Inheritance (Fiction)
Lian Feng (age 9)
Alpharetta, GA

It was year 3078 and it seemed that new inventions were created and copyrighted every hour. Who knew that twelve year old Alexis Anderson would soon be one of the greatest inventors of the next 17 centuries……
It all began on a regular day in Alexis’s bedroom. She was staring at her most prized possession, an antique case, like she had done many times before. The case was actually her great-great-great-great grandmother’s.
As she breathed in the scent of lavender, she dug through the case searching for her great-great-great-great grandmother’s strange old-fashioned photograph because it reminded her of her great-great-great-great grandmother.
Instead, she found a sealed envelope. She wasn’t sure where it came from. She had never seen it before. Using her “Laser Un-sealer 2000”, she opened it within one millisecond. Alexis carefully unfolded the slip of paper inside. Her eyes widened in surprise as she realized hat it was. It was a treasure map that showed where her inheritance was! The inheritance her family had been looking for, for over five generations!
Alexis ran to the phone shivering with excitement. Quickly, she dialed her best friend Olive.
“Hi Olive!”
“Oh hello Lex! What’s up?”
“I found a treasure map that leads to my family’s inheritance. No one has found it for five generations! Want to come over and help me locate my family’s treasure?”
“Awesome! I’ll be there in a second.”
“Okay, bye!”
Soon, the doorbell rang, “Ding, Dong!”. Alexis opened the front door and there was Olive grinning ear to ear.
“Where’s the treasure map?” Olive asked.
“Oh, up in my room.” Replied Lexi.
“Let’s go upstairs and get it then!”
“ Stop Olive. You’re so old-fashioned. Remember ,I have my on invention called the “Bring-Me”. Pressing the button of the “Bring-Me”, she spoke into the microphone, “Bring me the treasure map.”
Soon, the treasure map was aiming at her face. Lexi ducked then grabbed the map before it hit the unsuspecting Olive. She dusted off her jeans and carefully smoothed out the map.
“ I think you need to work a bit more on that!” Olive laughed.
They both gaped at the map. According to it, the treasure was hidden somewhere on an island in the future. They would need to use a time portal to get there. Alexis looked at Olive. Olive looked at Alexis. They were both thinking the same thing.
“Mom!” yelled Lexi. “I’m going out!”
“Okay! Just be back before dinner!” her mother replied.
Alexis snatched up her “Time Turner” and pulled Olive out the door.
“Olive, do you have your Portal-Creator?”
“What about your Locator 3000?”
“Alrighty then, let’s go!”
Olive created the portal to the island while Alexis fiddled with the “Time Turner” making time stop. Both of them jumped into the swirling portal. It felt like a roller coaster! Olive almost threw up.
Suddenly, everything was silent. Alexis looked around. She and Olive were surrounded by palm trees. Two signs were stuck in the ground. One of them said, “Property of Rosa Anderson”.
“That’s my great-great-great-great-great grandmother’s name!” exclaimed Lexi excitedly. “We must be close.” The second sign said, “The treasure is in one of the trunks hanging from the trees. You only get one try. On the second try, the cannibals here will eat you. Alexis gulped.
“Why do we use ‘The Locator’ to find where the treasure is?” Said Olive.
“Sure!” Olive typed in “Alexis’ Inheritance” and pressed “Enter”, but the screen remained blank.
“That’s strange. There’s nothing on here.” Olive commented.
“Let me see.” Alexis glanced at the screen and said, “What are you talking about?” When Alexis looked at it, she could see a picture of the whole island where the treasure was. She realized that her great-great-great-great grandmother had made sure that no one could find the treasure except her relatives. That’s why Olive couldn’t see it.
“Oh well, follow me,” commanded Alexis.
When she reached the place where the treasure was, she took off her shoes and climbed the tree the treasure chest was hanging from. She untied the string it was attached to and climbed back down. With Olive’s help, they both opened the trunk. Inside were different important documents, glittering jewels, and antiques worth billions of dollars! Alexis put her shoes back on and they hauled the trunk into the portal and dove in. Thoughts whirled around Alexis’ head. She had found the treasure!
When they got home, Alexis showed her mom the inheritance.
“Oh Lexis, you found it!” her mom squealed.
After that, her family moved into a gigantic mansion. Her mom let Alexis do whatever she wanted with the sixth story of the manor. With her mother’s help, she turned the two rooms into science laboratories where she could do experiments and invent new things. With all the inventions and discoveries she came up with in her laboratories, Alexis became the most respected and brilliant scientist in the universe.

Funnies (Humor)

1. We moved to Georgia from South Carolina two years ago. One day, my wife and I were talking about some friends in South Carolina and possibly visiting them some day. Overhearing the conversation, my 4-year-old daughter said in protest, “Daddy, I don’t want to go.” Surprised by her response, I asked, “Don’t you remember your little friends Arlene and Caroline? Would it be nice to visit them some time?” “Yes, Daddy. But I just don’t want to be small again”.

2. We were decorating the fireplace for Christmas one day. My five-year-old daughter asked me to remove a pot of cactus. Unsure about that, I asked her why. “Because I don’t want Santa to get poked when he comes down the chimney”, she said matter-of-factly.

3. I noticed a little extra nail on her little toe while I was helping my 6-year-old daughter clip her toe nails, and commented, “See this little thing here on your little toe? It means you are Chinese.” Perplexed by what I said, she asked, “Why? Do all Chinese people have something like that?” “Yes. It’s unique to the Chinese. One must be Chinese if he or she has it” I tried to explain. “Well, Maria must have it too.” She said. Knowing Maria, one of her friends in school, I probed, “Really? I always though she was Hispanic.” “Because she is learning Chinese from me.” She replied.

4. I woke up my 4-year-old daughter one morning. Still half-sleeping, she looked out the window and said, “It’s so early. The sun is not out yet.” I insisted, “It’s already 9 o’clock, time to get up. It’s just a cloudy day.” “Well, I guess the sun must be out of batteries today.” She said.

冯丽安喜获TAP美术竞赛奖 (1)

(本报讯) 近日, 家住Alpharetta的冯丽安接获来自美国教师反偏见组织TAP (Teachers Against Prejudice) 的通知, 她的绘画作品"和平世界"(见图)荣获今年TAP全国美术竞赛童年组(1-3年级)一等奖, 奖品包括$100教育证券(Education Bond)和由所有获奖作品制成的精美年历. TAP是一个由美国教育专业人员组成的全国性教师反偏见组织, 总部位於康乃狄克州, 致力于倡导和推广中小学校多元文化教育和教师培训, 举办每年一度的中小学生写作和美术竞赛是其多元教育活动之一, 今年美术竞赛的主题是"世界和平(World of Peace)". 冯丽安的参赛作品是一副标题为"Peace for the World"的蜡笔图画, 画面由不同国籍和种族肤色服饰各异的儿童手拉手环绕地球及和平标志构成. ,"这副作品的构思和艺术表达如此独特, 真令我们爱不释手, 非奖不可",TAP主席Elise Klein 女士如是说. 冯丽安今年八岁, 目前就读于Ocee小学三年级, 爱好读书和唱歌跳舞, 现在的志向是长大后当一名神奇的侦探和业余舞蹈家.

冯丽安喜获TAP美术竞赛奖 (2)

(本报讯) 近日, 家住Alpharetta的冯丽安接获来自美国教师反偏见组织TAP (Teachers Against Prejudice) 的通知, 她的绘画作品"全球之家(Our Global Family)"(见图)荣获今年TAP全国美术竞赛儿童9-12岁, 小学生3-5年级组二等奖, 奖品包括$50教育证券(Education Savings Bond)和由所有获奖作品制成的精美年历. 这是冯丽安继去年以"和平世界"作品荣获TAP美术竞赛 6-9岁组一等奖之后又一次获得该项全国性大奖. TAP是一个由美国教育专业人员组成的全国性教师反偏见组织, 总部位於康乃狄克州, 致力于倡导和推广中小学校多元文化教育和教师培训, 举办每年一度的中小学生写作和美术竞赛是其多元教育活动之一, 今年美术竞赛的主题是"全球之家(Our Global Family)". 冯丽安的参赛作品是一副蜡笔儿童画, 画面由不同种族, 肤色,服饰, 及结构各异的家庭构成, 围绕图中大的爱心是用二十种不同语言书写的"爱"字, 整个画边则是重覆书写的"爱, 关心, 分享, 责任,(Love, Caring, Sharing, Responsibility) . "这副作品的构思和艺术表达如此独特, 很有创意. 它 充分表达了全球之家的主题, 真令我们爱不释手, 非奖不可",TAP主席Elise Klein 女士如是说. 冯丽安今年九岁, 就读于Ocee小学四年级, 爱好读书和歌舞, 志向是长大后当一名作家兼演员和业余舞蹈家. 据悉, 冯丽安不久前在亚特兰大激烈的"模特和才艺选拔赛"中脱颖而出, 成功闯入决赛, 日前已与亚城知名的星探公司正式签约. 愿她 星路畅通, 梦想成真.



丽安 8 岁

五月初的一个星期五, 学校办公室通知我和我的朋友Annalie 和Belinda 一起坐车回家. 来到校门口, 我看到Annalie 和Belinda 已经在那儿等她们的爸爸妈妈来接我们. 我们都很高兴, 因为我们将一起去朋友Athena 家的海边别墅度假.

过了一会儿, Annalie 和Belinda 的爸爸妈妈到了, 看见我的朋友Katheryn也在车上,我很吃惊. 上车后, 我们就去Athena家在Alabama海边的别墅. 一路上, 我们停下来加油, 还在McDonald's 吃晚饭.当我们到达海边别墅的时候, 我的朋友Melody已经到了.

时间很晚了, 大家选好自己的房间就去睡觉. 我和Blinda, Katheryn 在客厅睡. 因为太兴奋, 我到一点钟才睡着. 四点钟的时候, Katheryn 就把我和Blinda 摇醒了. 一看钟, 还那么早, 我们想再睡一会儿, 可是怎么也睡不着. 直到七点半钟, Katheryn的奶奶起床要我们吃早餐.

吃完早餐, 我们就去后院找动物的脚印. 然后, 我们把Melody 和Athena 叫起床一起去海滩玩. 海水打湿了我的腿. 我的弟弟Jayson也很喜欢在沙滩上玩. Belinda 和我还放了风筝. 我的风筝是一个飞机, 她的是天马. 我们玩得真开心. 然后, 我们回到屋里吃午饭. 我的爸爸做了意大利面条和肉丸给我们小朋友吃. 午饭后, Melody在楼下捉到一只沙蛙(sand frog)并给它取名叫Jumper, 可我喜欢叫它Sandy. Jumper很可爱. 我们一起用沙给Jumper做了一个房子, 像篮子一样. 我还给它做了一把小椅子.

晚上, 妈妈们为我们做了很多很好吃的晚饭. 我吃得很饱, 玩了一会儿就睡了.第二天, 一到七点钟, 我们都起床了. 外面下着大雨, 我们只好在屋里玩"捉迷藏", 看电视和DVD. 雨停了以后, 我们给爸爸妈妈们表演节目, 唱歌跳舞, 真好玩. 午饭后, 我们又去看Sandy, 可是它已经死了. 我们都很伤心. 我们为它举行了葬礼, 把它埋在沙里,并 捡了一些花放在上面. 我还用木片为它做了一个墓碑, 写着"Sandy死在这里". 最后, 我们又去了一次海边就回家了.

啊, 这真是我最好的一次度假.

告别平庸, 追求卓越

站稳美国讲台CCTV.com 2007年09月28日 08:03 来源:人民日报海外版