范跑跑 incident, in my view is not a legal issue but an ethical issue concerning a teacher's ethical conduct in case of emergency. Teachers are entrusted by parents, community and society to protect, educate and care for our children, and it is a teacher's moral obligation and ethical responsibility to ensure the safety and security of each and every student under his/her supervision. 范跑跑 may not have broken any Chinese law, but he has certainly betrayed the trust of his students and parents.
I do not know if there is such thing as Code of Ethics for Teachers in China. If not, this is high time to put the Code of Ethics in place as it is so much needed in today's China to beef up teacher's images and professionalism.
A teacher is expected not only to teach by his words but also to lead by his deeds.
From www.xys.org
美国学校都制定有详细的安全计划,对面临地震等灾害时各方的责任做出具体的规定。下面摘译自加州圣荷塞Oak Grove高中的2007-2008年度安全计划(原文共121页,见:http://og.ca.campusgrid.net/home/2007_08+safety+plan.pdf),第19页,关于教师的责任的规定)
a. 根据信号、警报、书面通知、对讲机的命令或对情况的自我判断,指导他们负责的学生直接进入或离开集合区域。
b. 根据情况发出“卧倒”、“躲藏”、“离开大楼/区域”的命令。
c. 在教室被重新安置在外面/里面的集合区域或其他地点时,携带花名册。花名册必须放在教师桌附近可被拿到的地方,以便在紧急情况时它能被容易地发现并带走。
d. 向管理团队/被指定者报告失踪的学生。
e. 指引需要急救的学生去找卫生员或其他指定的急救区域。为他们的学生提供健康和安全保障。
f. 维护他们负责的学生的秩序、纪律和士气。
g. 遵循与紧急情况有关的学区指南。
h. 助理教师应当协助他们的教室教师,除非负责人另有指示。
i. 教师将负责管理他们负责的学生,直到负责人允许教师下班。
j. 所有其他不直接管理学生的正规员工将向其负责人报告以分配任务。
学生必须听从教师的命令,并且:a. 立即躲藏到书桌、桌台下面,并远离窗口。
b. 保持躲藏姿势至少60秒。
c. 保持沉默,并听从指挥。
d. 在地震时,教师应当:——躲藏——平静地与学生交谈——等60秒,然后从教室疏散