
Waves (poem)


(Age 11)

I'm surfing on the crest of a wave,
As soon as I finish riding on one, another appears,
Sometimes, the waves are calm and I get a free ride,

But I know there is no such thing as a free lunch,
And that the hard waves will eventually come,
Sometimes, I feel I don’t want to ride a wave at all,

But, I am too far out at sea and cannot return,
Until I finish surfing all the waves that are coming,
It’s really easy to get on one, but once you’re on,

It’s really hard to get off unless the waves stop,
But I know that won’t happen to me or to anyone else,
The waves can get rough sometimes and knock me off,

I get on again because I know I have to finish the wave,
I don’t really want to get on and keep on going,
But I have to even if it throws me off track,

Despite all of these harsh and troublesome waves,
I love surfing and I do the same things over again,
But, I still love it and I keep on surfing.
