
Picky (poem)


Lulu (Age 11)

Picky, picky, yes that's me,
I can’t have spinach or saltwater taffy,
I can’t eat pickles, I hate eating pears,
I WON’T even eat my gummy bears!

I can’t have black or blueberry blue,
Green’s disgusting and red is too,
I must have pink or something else nice,
Purple too, but not something the color of mice.

I must have a bow in my hair everyday,
I need my Barbie doll before I go out and play,
I can’t get a haircut, I won’t go to school,
I’ll have a tea party because that’s so cool.

I have to be a princess and I must have a prince too,
When I see a fly, my mommy must say “Shoo!”
I can’t go to the doctor, I can’t look at bugs,
I will never own a suitcase like the one my daddy lugs,

I am very picky, my mommy says it too,
If I don’t get what I want, I kick her with my shoe,
Daddy thinks I need better manners, but I really disagree,
He needs better ones because he won’t listen to me.
