
I do not watch CNN! 不看CNN, 生活也滋润

I watch news on T.V. everyday but never watch CNN or CCTV, so I stayed cool-headed through the worlwide big fuss by the Chinese over Cafferty's insulting language. To me, CNN is just another source of news and entertainment, and Cafferty just another opinionated commentator and showman, not a big deal at all, and I can care much less. I am however, a confessed news junkie and watch half-hour evening news everyday but have kept CNN, CCTV out of my sight and my life for years. Whatever I read/hear/see in the media, I try to use my critical thinking skills and draw my own conclusion. The media is just out there for business in the name of news and entertainment. Don't take it too seriously. Life is fine with no CNN or CCTV.
